Monday, October 4, 2010

Organised Religion....

Probably the most speculated upon topic these days..... Organised Religion. With the Ayodhya verdict and the revisiting of the case of the Mumbai riots, there has been a lot of discussion about how much religion has really helped us. I mean if we revisit history, we have abundant examples of heroes that were rejected by religion. Juan d'Arc, Galileo, Wordsworth.... These were some of the GREATEST people alive, yet they died outcasts. God is said to be the answer of the unanswered. Yet so many Gods are only creating conflict in a bid for power. There are INNUMERABLE arguments to easily reject the necessity of religion. 

Yet, I realised, there has to be some good in it. Because had it been so bad, religion would have been rejected long, long ago. Hence at a recent debate, I took this stand and spoke in favour of Organised Religion. Here it goes---

What makes my 90-year old neighbour wake up every morning at 6:30, hail, rain or storm, just to go to the temple?... …………………..It’s her faith, her belief.

I think religion is a fascinating and a beneficial survival tool, and that Organised Religion has done more good than harm in today’s time. It is actually the differences in the interpretation of these religions that might have caused the harm. Because I don't think there is any harm in believing in God or believing in answering to a Higher Power for wrongs that we may have committed. In fact, it makes the faithful people to think twice before they cheat, steal, lie or indulge in any other vice.  

Also, talking about whether organized religion as a whole has done more good than harm is like being asked the same question about science. Which religions? When? Under what circumstances? Is the question.

Most organised religions do not promote unethical practices. Instead, it is those on the "fanatical" side, who tend to commit unethical acts in order to promote their beliefs, or distort what the real intentions of the religion were meant to do.  Every religion generally teaches tolerance, kindness, peace and forgiveness certainly not the self-serving and intolerant agenda that the people associate with it. Also, sadly, it is usually the bad and not the good that makes news, thus the good done by religion is often not heard of or ignored, whereas, the bad is highlighted and dwelt upon and that is all the common man hears about discounting the numerous wonderful  things it has done for him/her.  

As far as the role of religion is seen as being used as an emotional weapon-for garnering votes or popularity- we are grossly underestimating the intellect of the citizens. In developing societies like ours, shouldn’t we aim at educating the masses rather than doing away with religion as a whole? Because organised religion helps in providing a foundation for social cohesion, without the structure of social norms and customs, societies tend to come apart at the seams.

Regarding the discriminatory laws for women in most religions, the modern concerns for human rights, the rights of women, and the protection of the vulnerable, have been driven by Christian concerns and the belief that every single individual, male or female, is created in God’s image. This is a far more substantial basis for human rights than any secular theory. I am not comparing religions. Or publicizing certain tenets of certain religions. What I am doing, is comparing the good and bad done by religion, and stating that the good is far, far outweighing the bad. 

We can't ignore the fact that many religious groups do a lot of philanthropic work for the upliftment of the society, like vocational training workshops, ambulances, free health checkups, blood donation camps, educational campaigns etc. We also cannot disregard the high quality of education provided by convent schools started by Christian missionaries. The otherwise infamous MNS, runs The Maharashtra Navnirman Vidyarthi Sena, an institution, which at affordable prices, gives quality education, both scholastic and moral. 

To add to that, the practice of organised religion is good for a person’s physical, mental and spiritual health as it brings about a sense of order and discipline. As was the case with my neighbour!! Organised religion always professes respect for others. Isn’t that the very basis for secularism? So what harm are we talking about?

In the end, I’d just like to leave you with a thought, isn't it mankind that has harmed religion, and not vice versa?


  1. yaar mast hai!
    Love the parting thought :)

  2. :)
    This is a really well written debate. :D
    It's nice to listen to such ideas about religion. :)
    And this is Suhina. :)

  3. :D
    Hi! Thank You so Much! I just thought that in the face of adversity, why not look for the silver lining! Like I said..there had to be one!

  4. Sorry i didn't post earlier... i had one of my "remember-something-funny-and-can't-stop-laughing-for-ages" attacks...;D
    the something funny being you DESPERATELY trying to avoid making eye contact with anyone in the class cause you'd start giggling, and my endless questions...XD
    anyway... READING the article as a whole, VERY nice (simply cause i could go over the bits i liked over and over...) so good stuff ya!

  5. Hahahahahahhahaha....I just remembered that!

    "You are ONE impatient interjector, My friend"

    Hahaha...and SAHIL!!! Gosh! He made me forget a bit of my speech and then avinder ma'am was all mad! BUT WE WON!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDD

    Haha...Thank You!

    Thank You!

  6. it's a very well-written debate! and thats not a shocker coming from you, you laurels-winning-all-the-time-debator! :)

    Personally, i concur wholeheartedly with the stand taken in the debate (which makes me a little biased, but well, blah. :P)

    [Btw, I didnt know that MNS (the bloody bigoted, chauvenistic, jingoists!) runs such an institution! :O woah!]

    NOT to appear as one who is nitpicking all the time(:P), but its *JEAN d'arc. :P

    anyway, my verdict: AWESOME! :D

  7. This is very well written!
    You have very brilliantly brought out how belief is central to the whole issue and how religion has to a great extent set moral boundaries.
    I think you have managed to point out that different interpretations of GOD essentially have divided various communities and thus for each faction to prove their dominance over the other has given rise to fanatics!
    Overall a very smart post.
    Looking forward to more.

  8. Prerna: Thank You So much man! I shall be grinning for the rest of the week now! and you are among the very few people who have agreed with me. I mean like I the first impression, most people reject it instantly!

    Arushi: Thank You! :D. True that it is the interpretation of an obvious quest for domination that is causing harm. I mean say for example the ayodhya case- I mean neither Hinduism nor Islam say that the 2 religions cant exist together. Yet, the people couldnt tolerate this..and feared that one will dominate at the cost of the other. Hence the rubbish of the demolition and stuff. Its sad...but true. What we need is the educated people address the masses, educating them about the true motive of religion.

    Overall, THANKS A TON GUYS!!!

  9. I am quoting the opening lines of the Life Divine
    "THE earliest preoccupation of man in his awakened thoughts and, as it seems, his inevitable and ultimate preoccupation, - for it survives the longest periods of scepticism and returns after every banishment, - is also the highest which his thought can envisage." This is how Sri Aurobindo has written about the human pusuit for truth / God - this is the genesis of any kind of organised religion. So how can it ever be bad!
    It is what mankind has made out of it than what it is! I totally agree with you Vibhor!
    Keep writing!
    I'll look forward to more from you.

  10. Thank You! :D
    Those are really beautiful lines!
